
I only have a passing familiarity with gamer gate and am quite drunk, but why the hell is "ethics in game journalism" a thing to even get remotely worked up over? I like video games but I really can't bring myself to care who may or may not have done what to get better reviews for their game, let alone make death

Aside from the gender gap issue, is this that surprising? Aside from RDJ, she seems to be a bigger star than anyone else in that movie. I mean, what's Marvel going to do, pay Jeremy Renner $20 million? Get your head out of your ass, AV Club

Two woman in one movie and no boys?! That's some real Susan B. Anthony shit

The (probably untrue) rumors say he somehow has a role in Episode VIII and is currently training for a fight sequence

Absent self-defense (or defense of others) I can't imagine many scenarios where a police shooting wouldn't be murder. Not to generalize the law on murder, but even acting with extreme recklessness can satisfy the intent requirement for murder.

Hmm….pay .99 cents or pretend to be Canadian….

Literally just finished the movie based on the AV Club recommendation and it being a 99 cent rental on Amazon. I have a mixed feelings. While it was adequately creepy and suspenseful, I just didn't get much mileage from the premise. But I have to agree, it's extremely well directed.

The video game Bioshock is easily the best Ayn Rand adaption. I mean, do any of these movies even have a single giant drill monster?

I got a Sin City Saints notification for this?!

So would that make Natalie Portman JFK?

But that $999 super star destroyer in the amazon box. . .

You left out every single character on Fear the Walking Dead.

Just recently found time to read this. I thought Mockingbird was better. No wonder it was the one to get a two part Jennifer Lawrence adaption.

Internet mobs aren't as satisfying as real mobs. Just sayin' guys.

I have trouble telling the difference between Brie Larson and Emma Roberts. Sorry, internet.

Eisenhower!? I hardly know her!

There are movies you can watch and movies you can't. I'm the guy who tells you which is which. Now this is almost a movie you can't watch, so I'm gonna make a fuckin' ruling on this right now: you don't fuckin' watch it.

Patrick Mayonase, anyone? You're welcome Nickelodeon

Just add Rhys Ifans as the lizard, and you've got yourself a stew.

Dear Hayley Atwell: please marry me. No? Okay, probably a good call.