citrate reiterator

On the other hand I felt like Season 6's first episode was super weird and underwhelming and that season turned out to be one of the all-time best. Sometimes Ru's first-episode gimmicks don't totally pan out.

That was so fucking disappointing — I really wanted to like Charlie before I found that out. But I should have known when Peppermint was describing Charlie's sense of humor — I love uncomfortable, edgy humor, but unfortunately it seems like nine times out of ten, when people say "edgy" what they actually mean is

Raven would be pretty intimidating, but on the other hand she'd probably just come in second again.

I kind of like that there's no clear stand-out. Season 8 and All Stars 2 were basically foregone conclusions; Bob and Alaska are great entertainers but it definitely made the season less dramatic basically knowing that they would win (even if you managed to avoid the tea in Reddit or wherever).

I really wanted to like Charlie after seeing her car ride with RuPaul, but a bunch of people have been linking this blackface character she did a couple of years ago, and it weirded me out too much to root for her :( I totally get having an edgy, uncomfortable sense of humor, and I know she (EVENTUALLY) made a vague

I mean compare her to Shangela, who had only been doing drag the same amount of time on Season 2 — it's utterly insane that she's this polished and beautiful in only 10 months. That screams talent. And she's not just a look, she also has personality for days — even as a boy there's something captivating about her/him.

Bummed at no Mahlae Balenciaga — I am still holding a torch that RuPaul is saving her for S10. That said, I'm stoked for these new S9 bishes!

Cherry Bomb was the only lipsync where I thought the win was questionable, tbh. The other two were close, but I think she won them fairly.

I mean, didn't Pearl win the social media vote in S7?

I think Rick was just really freaked out that everything was on a cob. I mean that's fucking weird.

Oh man, that's a really good point. Nothing like being around close family to bring your inner child and all your terrible old coping mechanisms bubbling to the surface.

If Katya had had a reveal of her own she would have won it hands-down. ETA: that said, this song was made for D.

That's also what I like about Tatianna. They're both pretty unfiltered, but they also don't hold grudges. I have a really good friend who's like this and I really admire how if something bothers him he'll bring it up right away, but then after it's brought up and fixed, everything is totally fine. (Whereas when

Detox has been giving the best physical comedy talking heads by a country mile. Her expressions during the talent show, the hanging herself pantomime, the foot in her mouth… she's killing it.

And remember how she was the first one to check in on Adore?

You still got to see a little of that, like when they were talking about having gender and sex in drag in Untucked, and during her interview with Chaz.

Tati is clearly clever but she can be a little inconsistent (remember her non-reading challenge?). I don't know if it's nerves or what, because when she's on she's fucking awn.

Online Ginger says she partially picked Tammy Faye because Adore had brought Jan Crouch and she thought they could interact a lot.

I said this upthread but according to a Periscope she did, your suspicions are correct.

Tati, arguably. Half the fun was seeing her hold her own vs. all the experienced queens in Untucked.