
Casting is and never should be perfect. It should also not hinge on people's skin colour. This is why it's ENTIRELY okay that Hermoine in the Cursed Child London show is black…and her daughter is white. These things are okay, and it's NOT whitewashing.

Right, but if you start picking apart casting decisions man, you've already lost. Any idea how often Chinese or Korean people are cast as Japanese? Or vice versa? How about a British guy playing a Sudanese character?

It certainly does. It's complaining because you want to complain about something in what IS in actuality a pretty diverse show. In fact, the comic is about 90% white…so the fact that the whole cast is a diverse cross section so far is a BIG win. But go ahead, be stupidly mad about a minuscule aspect of the show man.

They made Veronica and her mom latin, Reggie asian, Pop, and all three Pussycats black. I'm not sure this is the show to level "whitewash at" when the lead (who IS half white) has Luke Perry as his dad. Likle seriously, pick your goddamn battles man. This is not only NOT it…this comment makes you look decidedly

He NARRATED the episode. Not exactly a throwaway.


My in-laws dog (when we look after him at their place) lays in between us on the bed, and leans on one of us…he's a little heater…but he's so old he cares not to move or shift….you can try till your hearts content and he won't shift. I usually end up on the couch downstairs as a result. LOL. Love that dog.

The tagline also bothers me "Every dog has a purpose"….and I'm like what about dog's that are mistreated, abandoned, or otherwise on the streets…was that THEIR purpose? Ugh.

A. This is atrocious and I'm glad the Humane Society person who was on set has been suspended/fired.

Man, everyone is really up in arms…but they literally had two completely undesirable options, considering what MJ PHYSICALLY looked like in 2001.


Tom Hardy's dad is called Chips Hardy? That's kind of epic.

BFG's lack of decent Box Office has everything to do with Finding Dory. Everything. If that film weren't currently out and enthralling audiences, then BFG would be a much healthier film.