
Yeah but most of this characters are male archetypes who happen to like other men, i don't think that gives them too much credit, they're as clichéd as the rom com's obnoxious and loud best friend. I yet have to see more media where a gay man is portrayed without stereotypes, male or female, where being feminine is

Honestly tho? I loved that for once a movie showed a woman loving two men without being judged or treated like the worst person in earth, the struggle of the character feels very genuine because of Ronan's amazing performance, she hadn't been that good since Atonement. I loved how obviously each boy represented

Laurel has such an amazing outfit because she's rich (a MAP, mexican american princess) and Souza was great in the fight scene. I did liked the flashbacks and how the camera zoomed past the character's faces, it was a nice touch if an empty one. The scene in the car with the K5 was really good, if there's one thing

I thought i was going to be fine because the episode was ending and i wasn't crying but then Dipper and Wendy changed hats and the narration started and Dipper opened the letter and i was bawling. Oh, and the slow rendition of the GF theme song along with Stan and Ford punching a giant squid was the most perfect thing

I just hate that the show takes itself so seriously because it's at its best when it's campy and over the top dramatic, like most of last season was, the teaser actually looks good and as long as we have more Robin Wright and a downfall for Francis, i can't really complain.

Yeah. Grease is terrible but this was really great, the direction was spectacular and the pink ladies (Palmer, Jepsen, Donahue and specially Hudgens, who stole every scene she was in) were amazing. It really gives me some hope that Fox won't fuck up RHPS.

Holy shit, this show got its groove back and it was about time. I hadn't enojoyed an episode this much in a long time.


It's a cool dumb-fun movie who actually makes a good use of the gimmick that is the only reason for the movie to exist, but this is too much and the gimmick was better used in Open Windows.

idk, it's actually a good movie, i liked it, it reminded me of an Agatha Christie mystery and Carpenter's The Thing and there are like 15-20 minutes spent in the "outside" but i can't for the life of me see the 70MM thing as anything other than pure self indulgence from Tarantino.

I don't get the 70MM treatment for a film filmed about 85% on the inside of a shittty cabin, but whatever.

It felt almost revolutionary to watch such a calm, restrained, kind and low-key movie.

Words cannot describe the level of Jennifer Jason Leigh's performance and scenery chewing, i am hoping for at least a Best Supporting Actrees nomination.

I appreciate what Homeland tried to do when it comes to Allison's fate, without theatrics or impossible escapes, but this show needs to make its own damn mind because i'm not looking for realism in a show where a screen saver triggers THE plot development of the season or where our dying main character encounters a

I'd like to take this space and recommend everyone to watch Pascal Laugier's mostly unknown film The Tall Man, one of the most intelligent gender blends i've ever seen and the best acting Jessica Biel's ever gonna give.

The cliffhanger is all i ever wanted from this awful show. Thank you Murphy and co. A+

Lookin forward to hear this, i heard her single "Female Energy" and her III EP and i loved both. It's something really different and cool, also her cover of Björk's All is Full of Love is really good.

Oh my god, Chanel #5 was on fire tonight and she only appeared for like 10 minutes, her takedown on Munsch and her reactions everytime Grace said something were 10/10, this episode was the best for Abigail Breslin and her being the killer is a prospect i'm interested in. Also, Chanel #3 slays as always so, not much to

AKA Sin Bin is an A- at least, honestly.

How far this show has come, last season i couldn't give a rat's ass about any of the Keating Five and in this episode, when Annalise pulls the gun and ask each of them to shoot her i almost lost shit, when Michaela threw herself in front of Connor i literally gasped, their friendship has been one of the best things