
Thank you. I expected if any one was going to comment on my list it would be to ask if the inclusion of BvS was a joke but I seriously love that movie - it's beautiful in its audaciousness.

Alright I did it. Was surprisingly relaxing and easy.

Love that episode so much!

Yeah I thought the bit where he wakes up in bed was set in modern times

Oh my god yes! Those books were great.


All of those plus Captain Marvel, Animal Man and Swamp Thing.

You know what? I don't want to express myself. I don't want to sit in a room full of people and say… the P-word. I like being repressed. I am totally comfortable being uncomfortable with my sexuality. And maybe, just maybe, if everyone were a little bit more like me, we wouldn't have to have an STD fair.

Having just read the original silver age Green Lantern stories, that is not how he was originally.

Ryan Gosling for Hal, President Obama for Stewart. I want a reverse Reagan scenario.

Sooo cute… buh bye

Actually in my country today is Friday.

Finally a list that almost reflects my ranking. Though I would put Hallows part 1 first and part 2 last.

Deserves more upvotes

Chloe Sevigny, forever and always. Also, Harrison Ford.

I didn't know whether to duck or to run so I ran

Great song

Fair enough, I agree that there was a real narrowing of the cosmology when Ennis took over and Delano is definitely my favourite but Ennis's first story-arc when John gets cancer that shit is some great comics. Have you read the next guy's run - Paul Jenkins? I have been meaning to check it out now it's finally in

The run from Delano to Ennis is probably my favourite run of comics ever - though Morrison's Doom Patrol is up there.

I love Jumanji unironically and I think it's better than Ghostbusters.