
I really feel like I should read some Gibson but it's hard to get over the grudge I have against him for the X-Files episode 'FPS'.


I will definitely be playing all the Pax Softnica/Nintendo adventure games, when my Japanese gets up to scratch.

Haha. I would love to own that supplement. I'm quite obsessed with the history of the company.

In the nineties there was actually a Sega World amusement park in Sydney. I went a few times.

How about real life Mario platforming modeled on things like 'Wipeout'?

Definitely 'Time Twist', Nintendo developed and only released in Japan. It's an adventure game, with the typically cute Nintendo aesthetic, featuring the murdering of the Jews in the Holocaust, baby Jesus being possessed by Satan and Klu Klux Klan members murdering African-American slaves. This is not a joke.

I'm too young to have watched X-Files and Twin Peaks when they were on the air but I have watched them both recently and I would strongly disagree with your opinion on their aging. They both feel very fresh and compare extremely well quality wise to the best of today's TV. Also, I know a few young film students who

I have come to this discussion way to late but mine is the Twin Peaks RPG for the NES. Also the N64 version of Mother 3. Oh, and the Nintendo developed Harry Potter.

Holy Mother of God. What a summer.

The Casual Vacancy is actually excellent. Its relatively poor reputation probably has a lot to do with tall poppy syndrome. The mystery novels are enjoyable but generic.

Spot on

The Drones not being D completely invalidates this list.


This guy's from the org!!!

Yeah I have and I completely agree. There is lots of great stuff on that album but much of it is mired by druggy production and utterly useless filler.

Actually re-reading your comment I think I may have misunderstood your last point sorry.

Completely disagree, they have a few pop numbers (like 'orgasm addict' and 'ever fallen in love') but a lot of their music is very off-kilter, experimental kinda post-punk sounding stuff. By comparison the Damned, the Clash (excluding some of that Sandinista bullshit) and the pistols all play simple sing-along songs.

Pop-punk is a really stupid category. As if pop wasn't already the default mode of punk. Are people that use the term living in some parallel universe where most punk bands play d-beat? Also, Buzzcocks are one of the least poppy bands of their era.

He's a femme in a black leather jacket. He's a gem in a black leather jacket.