I would agree with your assessment of Boardwalk Empire for seasons 1 & 3. But season 2, not in the slightest. The way the show wound together Nucky's descent into violence with the unraveling of Jimmy's bravado was masterful.
I would agree with your assessment of Boardwalk Empire for seasons 1 & 3. But season 2, not in the slightest. The way the show wound together Nucky's descent into violence with the unraveling of Jimmy's bravado was masterful.
I would agree with your assessment of Boardwalk Empire for seasons 1 & 3. But season 2, not in the slightest. The way the show wound together Nucky's descent into violence with the unraveling of Jimmy's bravado was masterful.
I recall him once describing a libertarian as "basically a Republican but you like to smoke weed too." I give him bonus points for having a self-aware sense of humor about it.
I recall him once describing a libertarian as "basically a Republican but you like to smoke weed too." I give him bonus points for having a self-aware sense of humor about it.
I forgive a lot of flaws with that Homeland sketch just because Nasim Pedrad did a spot-on impression of Brody's daughter. Sleeves.
I forgive a lot of flaws with that Homeland sketch just because Nasim Pedrad did a spot-on impression of Brody's daughter. Sleeves.