
I should do that. It would be less expensive than the years I wasted looking at this show.

I should. I've wasted too much of my life looking at this damn show, so it would be less of a loss of my time.

This episode really foreshadows how the series ends. None of it ever happened. The weird fantasies and extensively and overused flashbacks?

This episode really exposes how the series ends. None of it ever happened. The weird fantasies and extensively and overused flashbacks?

This episode brings it all together, and exposes how the series will really end. All the fantasy stuff? All the bizarre relationships?

Is that crap show still alive? I watched ONE episode, where a "tough guy" wore his jacket and gym shorts for some ridiculous reason. Uuumm. I saw that episode on Happy Days, when Fonzie wore his jacket to gym class. RIP OFF!

Fatsuits are really not at all funny. That "Super Fun Night" chick in the fat suit is not funny whatsoever.

That "Super Fun Night" chick in the fat suit is not funny whatsoever.

Kripke is great! I prefer the episodes with him.

Negative. Penny in a bra is an A+.

Sheldon and Leonard went in to Penny's apartment to clean, not Howard.

Can you say "motorboat"?!

The characters on TBBT are geniuses; the writers of TBBT are obviously NOT geniuses. The Ark of the Covenant was discovered only through Indy's research and efforts. There was nothing in the movie that would indicate that the Nazi's would have found the Ark.

Absolutely! I thought that this episode was a definite "A".

Sheldon's slavery observations GREW OLD QUICKLY. However, he turned into a good guy when he got drunk; that was the best part of the episode!

Well, yeah, ya pervert. Subtlety is well appreciated.