
So… I guess that happened.


Can anyone in space hear us giving a shit?

This album has "squandered opportunity" and "unnecessarily overhyped" written all over it.

Amen, brother.

My drugs are ready.

Said Satan.

Meanwhile, Shakespeare is in the alley, with his pointed shoes and his bells.
Speaking to some French girl who says she knows Dylan well.

*throws himself into a vat of acid"

And this triggered my repressed memories of Sir Pratchett saying the same thing.

*confused emoji*

I am gonna bravely step up infront of the firing squad and say that I very much enjoy The Mighty Death Pop album.

Went to a gig on Friday - seen French producer Danger, followed by Slovakian FVLCRVM. 'twas an intense party and if you ever have a chance to see Danger, do it. Stellar and simple show, great mixing, bombastic sound.


I had been very lucky to see her perform twice in a span of one week during her last year's tour with Heritage Orchestra string ensemble.

I too am very sad about it. I spent 2 hours of this weekend watching first 4 episodes in bed with a red wine and I feel…

Continuous struggle with Mother Night (I do hate myself for this) got cancelled due to heavy workload and an attempt to catch up with Better Things, High Maintenance and Transparent. I am thoroughly enjoying all of these.


Never been a Bon Iver fan.

As long as you don't memorize the lyrics.