Jazz (Gabba remix)
Jazz (Gabba remix)
Superb. But here is my pick, it's one of those "it shouldn't work, why does it work so well?" kinda mashups:
Peaches - Dick In The Air
We are close! It is almost finally over! 13 more tracks and we are free!
The whole trio of Thrawn + Pellaeon + Noghri guard (blanking out on the name) deserve their own spin-off series. Something along the lines of Yes, Minister.
Thrawn was indeed a bad guy we deserved. It also helped that Thrawn Trilogy had some focus on strategy of space battles, because despite my utter love for all space-related things in the OT, the tactics / strategies behind them were just baffling.
Thrawn, Pellaeon, Mara and Karrde were all great characters.
I bet he still believes that it was just a case of wrong soundtrack choices.
The last season of Sons of Anarchy was indeed mesmerizing. I think that the last episode itself is some sort of a secret comedy masterpiece.
I think it's mostly because of people trying to make some sense of this clusterfuck in order to even justify their existence within the SW canon.
Star Wars and Empire are great movies on almost every level imaginable.
A year too late, but hey:
I am late for the party but boy oh boy, was this finale pretty fucking dreadful.
I am late for the party but boy oh boy, was this finale pretty fucking dreadful.
I like your avatar.
Shayla is the only one Elliot ever let really close during the show (except family and his childhood friend). Her death is not just a death, it is a first and massive fuck up Elliot did - from breaking two promises, the latter one leading to her death, to the fact he is the reason she met Vera in the first place.
"Oh, god, he is behind me, isn't he? ISN'T HE?!"
Since this is supposed to be "introduction" to the actual plot, I assume we can give this episode a pass for not wrapping things in a neat tie but quite the opposite.
According to the interview with Esmail, the scene was actually in the original script, than taken out because he thought it is "too obvious" or something. But right around of time of shooting that scene, Ashley Madison dumps happened and he felt compelled to get that line back.
"If you hurt him, I am gonna kill you."