
Remember that? I actually still respect this fella. But something is lost these days. Comparing this… mash-up of words with his old interviews and speeches, it's pretty weird. People say: "He is just this wannabe, who says odd stuff, just to stay relevant." And I don't buy it. Musically, he is reaching back to his own

"So you want to tell me there was a… whatchimacallait… scropt? Scrapt? Script?"

Well, quite frankly, sand is rather coarse.

"The next one, I’ll be able to enjoy it like anybody else."

It really varies for me, so I cannot say. For example (and I know, this is gonna be shocking) for the first time around I almost stopped watching when season 2 started. I just could not care about anyone and anything. I think the first time around I did enjoy the third one the most. And I couldn't particularly care

I do not mind the books (pre-seventh abomination). But somehow, I cannot stomach this behavior… and I don't know why. It seems like any time she needs to come up with something, well, fock it, there is a whole school of people I created and I can say that they represent / reflect whatever I do believe right now, xyz

This list desperatly needs "The most 'tolerable' episode of SoA"

I know I may be a bit too late for this, but here are some final thoughts about Sons, AV Club comments and side info. Let's start with the good stuff (= not the show).

I am just glad Sutter realised it is worth a shot to end this show on a comedy note.
*Whispering to the ear*
Oh? Really?
*More whispering to the ear*
You must be shitting me…
*Appologetic whispering*
Oh… OOOOOH. Well fuck.

I originaly wrote "re-incarnate" Porkins, but then I thought he still lives in our hearts anyway.

They are not some kind of a masterpiece, rather a really nice summer read. They do the "continuation of the saga" plotline rather well, new added characters are all pretty great (since Han is no longer the thief-with-the-heart-of-gold character, they plug in another smuggler, who is at least as good as Han), they have

Was it after they realise that the three books are better than the multi-gazillion prequel project?

Confirmed for crap movie.

Or without the actor. I doubt many non-super-fans care about him much anyway.

Well, can't say I can argue with his reason. Fingers crossed for Porkins?

Out of curiosity: I never cared too much about the whole "canonisation" thing, but if everyone has any info, please do share:
If this is 30 years later, will it somehow reflect the Thrawn Trilogy? Or any idea about this movie somehow fitting into "canonical" Star Wars? I really have no clue how are they going about it.

Yea, exactly. Felt… very lived in. Except that Rogue Squadron (I assume) part, with X-Wings flying above the water. Seemed like a visual mix of Prequels and the dirty-ol' Star Wars. But again: if it is Rogue Squadron and if I'll get my dose of Wedge, I am game as well.

Here is hoping for the bot not being a hilarious sidekick.

Well, it ain't exactly masterpiece, nor it had that amazing, epic feeling of Phantom Whatever trailer, but for what is worth, it did not make me angry and it actualy did make me thrilled a bit. Considering I will swallow any pride and be a fanboy on the midnight prmier anyway, not sure if the trailer was any game

Can we get "director's cut", "ultimate cut", "alternative ending #1", "alternative ending #2" and "final cut" with this one too?