
I'm right here, late to the game I see. Man I'm not Michael Bay.

" Why don't you just shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up and shut the fuck up"
Basically summed up her performance.
"I'm quietly judging you, respect the cock!"
Tom Cruise, summed up.

Some wish that happen to Tim Allen.

Hey, as a kid, I watched the hell out of the 1976 movie it was entertaining and I didn't even grow up in the 70s/80s, I was born in 1993 for god's sakes.

The Fallen as in the Transformers fallen.

Pacific Rim it's no different than Battlehship just trade directors.

Hey at least Tommy in that movie wasn't 3 years older than Carrie. That's creepy, he's like 18, jail bait alert.

Look, I'm 20 years old and I knew the book was old for a long time, hell I knew about the original movie when I was a kid and I'm not even from the 70s/80s generation that grew up with it. That kid is just straight up dumb.

I know it had no connections but it was a sort of one, I mean the attire of the characters matched. One of the characters sort of looked like Hugo Weaving.

But for the most part he doesn't.

Who says it's a great idea.

Cronenberg doesn't make sequels.

No more Punisher, please.
No more Doom either.

Not going to diss Road House.

Forty-Six Candles
Fast times: College.

Burn, probably will happen to Pacific Rim too.

Werewolf: Beast among us was a sequel of sorts, a DTV sequel that is.

Trust me if you're going to get a Dredd sequel it will be a massively low budget DTV sequel that barely captures anything of the orginial at this point, the audience has spoken on Dredd. And they said no.

Now the little kid is all grown up hunting trolls down.

No, hated the first movie anyway.