Empress of All the Russias

Conservative Christian moms are peeing their pants all over social media about this one. Disney is gonna infect their kids with gay horniness! Must protect their innocence!

It's not a Catholic book, we're not that good at making sentimental bestsellers.

Yeah, that school plus a shadow would cost a boatload of money. When I worked at a fancy preschool they would recommend a few hours of supervision by a therapist if a kid had serious behavioral issues, but that was just a one-time consultation.

But he quit the force shortly before he died - I wonder if that would affect his police pension.

Exactly. If it's just a thicker, creamier broth like butternut squash soup - NOT A MEAL. If it contains bits of at least two food groups (grains, meat, veggies), then it can be a meal.

Have you seen The Good Wife? Like at all?

And I love how Mrs. Hernandez doesn't have an accent when we finally hear her voice. It avoids the stereotype that she wasn't talking because her English was poor.

Hahaha that is so true. As a Ravenclaw, I find Gryffindor pompous and exhausting.

It's all that La Mer face cream!

Alicia Florrick openly called herself an atheist at a campaign event in The Good Wife, much to Eli Gold's chagrin.

It's really funny. You're gonna love it.

You know she and Phoebe Robinson have the 2 Dope Queens podcast, right?

Darn, I was hoping this would have a Katy Perry-esque backstage breakdown as they deal with the toll of making millions of dollars.

It's a Catholic vs. Catholic debate too, when you get traditionalists and "charismatics" in the same room. Plenty of Catholic youth groups or college ministries can get you trapped in 2 hour praise and worship sessions with people who insist you haven't *really* experienced the Eucharist until you get emotionally

LOVED that one. I read it so many times the binding broke apart. In college I found myself working at a summer camp where I drove teens around in a big white van, and all I wanted to do was make ambulance siren noises and buy armloads of tacky souvenirs.

This sounds like it will be along the lines of Your Fathers, Where Are They? And the Prophets, Do They Live Forever?, except with female worries instead of masculinity angst.