Moe Sizlak

Ya that fantasy was quickly obliterated in my mind when I met actual law students —its very un-sexy compared to Suits. Still, great entertainment!

And here we are again, revisiting the Robin & Ted plot. I’m now totally convinced that the writers originally had no inclination of writing for this final season and are just winging it as they go. This season has been nothing more than a roller-coaster of cathartic experiences with very little substance in the way of

I get exactly what you’re saying; enough of their cr*p already. This show went from being funny and heartwarming to so desperately enlightening. Every GD scene has to be some new lease on life, when in the following episode they’re just going to revisit the same issue only to lead to another forced “awww” moment.

Thats what makes the show absolutely perfect; we’re hostages of the Underwoods with major Stockholm syndrome! Every single thing they did, kill off Zoe or the 3way with Meechum, seems so right in the world that the writers have weaved. Many shows have tried what HofC has done and completely fumbled the writing flow

There were a lot of laughable moments, including Chang’s comment. Chang’s joke was just the most obvious, I don’t know if people caught all the subliminal jokes in this episode. For example, when the Dean was “rubbing the sword” to a picture of Jeff —that really got me.

I’m exactly where you are on this. It seems the writers have forgone basic logic and given up any allegiance to the a consistent flow in writing a long time ago. Things they don’t make any sense even in the television realm; random sequences of events are not relatable to the viewer. To be honest I committed all this

You make a good point about the non-scary alternative theory. I still think that Robin and Ted’s relationship has far more depth than Robin’s to Barney. To me, it seems like Barney is more in love with having Robin than being with Robin. The way the writing of the show spells it out over and over is that Barney is

They are perfect for each other, as friends that is. Their whole relationship is formed on their similarities as individuals and not a couple. Look at Lilly and Marshal’s relationship, their primary relation to one another is clearly based on a love for each other. On the other hand, Robin and Barney’s relationship is

I’m usually a big fan of Seth MacFarlane’s writing and edgy-ness on contentious topics, but this episode seemed like it was trying too hard to be serious and ended up missing the funny. There were some parts that were indeed funny, but it seemed largely like a PSA for Atheism.

Yeah, having Taran Killam show up on the show would be funny. Just like Sandy Rivers for Alyson Hannigan.

Robin and Barney’s relationship is wholly based on a fleeting fling. They liked the idea of “doing each other” but not being with each other the first time around. Then when Robin was dating Kevin, the same thing happened; they were both in a relationship and were enticed by the idea of cheating on their current

There are now 3 episodes left in this series, and they spend a whole episode introducing a new character to the plot…