
Oh man, Chinese vampires. My partner is legitimately terrified of Chinese vampires, a result of being the perfect age to not understand the campy, comedic elements of the Mr vampire boom and having a dad who took her to watch all of them. When she first told me, I set our relationship back a fair bit by laughing and


Yeah of course, but that's because they are designed with laugh tracks in mind - the actors have to pause for the laughter or you can't hear what they are saying. Without the laugh track they would have to write more jokes to fill the time taken up by laughter.

I still crack up remembering 30 rock's 'I saw a white judge on law and order last night!' bit.

Well, Frank is kind of a cop out for them since he apparently has unlimited money, but him and charlie eat cat food, share a bed and live in squalor and Mac only apparently owns clothing that he steals from Dennis and cuts the sleeves off of. I'd say they are as a whole lower middle class at best.

Just now paused after reaching the end of part 3. So good.

Is that a show where Saul pops out of a giant placenta while his bodyguard looks on and shakes his head?

I don't like to swear, but fuck that fucking song and fuck you for quoting enough of it to get it stuck in my head.

Is Jeff goldblum really an adult or something else entirely?

Request seconded! I can't give you any money, but I can give you an ascii picture of a thumbs up screwed up by disqus!

I think an adaptation can be good if it uses the new medium to create advantages which offset the limitations created by the shift. Fight Club is a classic example of this. And while this might trash my sweet cred around here, I would say 300 is another good example - it's a shitty movie, but as an adaptation it does


Idk, it just seemed weird that you would mostly ignore the part of what they said that you can actually discuss in favour of three paragraphs about how stupid they are. And for the record, I would rather hear from you, or Seth Rogen on alzheimers than someone who hasn't been touched by it - and scientists, I hope, are

O_o This might hold a little more weight if corleone hadn't posted an entire other paragraph with a rational response?

Stupid disqus

This feeling washing over me. It's either horniness or hunger. Well I know what to do about that!

So since you literally copied and pasted this elsewhere, can we assume lemon is right and you're just spamming? Or are you just so delighted by your own intelligence that you couldn't bear to leave such a brilliant and insightful comment buried so deeply down a comment tree?

I'd say Harold Holt instead of Whitlam - he even mysteriously disappeared from a beach! And as he was a fifty something balding politician, I assume he was surfing at the time.

This might just be me, but I have enjoyed the site a lot more since they got a little more strict with the cmoa stuff and other ymmv things. It impresses me that they managed to do so without going the Wikipedia route of crawling up their own asses with self-importance.

My bad. I always get them confused because they both have spent a long time chatting with the devil.