
In college, my friend Steve thought that Steve from Beverly Hills 90210 utterly sullied and ruined the name. Maybe if he knew that Steve went on to defeat sharknados, he would have sung a different tune.

Doesn't a one-hit wonder imply that it's pretty much the work the artist is known for? Some of these seem to be stretching the concept.

TAGS is, in my humble opinion, the greatest TV show ever. (Well, it's MY favorite.) Close second is Trailer Park Boys. Let the disagreement commence!

Yay. Every article about the Best Show ever is going to remind me of how I was part of the worst hour in the history of the show. Cue panic attack in 5…4…3…

My mother said right after the episode ended that she hoped all the cops were dead. I had no idea she was so gangsta.

What am I missing?
Am I the only person in the world who sets his AI recording to tape an extra 5 minutes? I mean, it seems like every person doing a write-up on the show is missing the end. Just checking…

Stevie Wonder would have been much better if he had gotten out from behind that piano and shaken things up, you know?