
Except Ben Stiller.

About the writing process… I'm wondering if HBO greenlighted the movie without knowing what the writers wanted to do, or asked for the story first, before saying yes to that movie.
(It's obvious they choose the first option for Sex and the City 2, for example.)

Very good show.
And thanks to HBO for giving it some closure.
If only they could do that also for Bored to Death, that would be great.

I loved how much humanity Schiff gave to his character.
You can see a father, an uncle, a real human being.
Thanks to Sorkin's writing, yes, but also thanks to what this actor carries with him.
The West Wing is still such an amazing show.

Well… not really : 3 millions by episode.

Indeed, five seasons of House of Lies was too much.
But I'm still surprised by NBC's persistance towards Schur. The man makes good shows, but not ratings shows.
So why the heck order another potential unwatched gem ?

Indeed. HBO promised us a movie…
I think it was supposed to air before Deadwood's one.

Kaling gave an interesting interview to Variery where she says that she hopes to do with Danny what Michael Patrick King did with M. Big on Sex & the City.
That explains why the second half of this season could be subtitled the emancipation of Mindy… But that narrrative strategy can works only if you have a well

Well, the first act is great.
And then, Harry loses his memory.
You can't stop there.

I can hear Danny Elfman's theme song again.

Singer had the first trilogy (minus one), and Vaughn could have the second one (minus one).
Especially when you can see Singer trying so hard, during "Apocalypse", to reconnect with "First Class".
But clearly fails.

So Shia Leboeuf is gonna have a sister…
This is still better than Chris Pratt replacing Ford.

Well, I would love to talk about how he agreed to do a Dragon Tatoo sequel for less money…
By the way, Soderbergh would be great in the director chair. He could tell a serialized story (that's his thing now) and work with Rooney Mara and Craig again.
Sony, come on.

She should have joined the Wolverine sequel before…
Wolverine finally found a decent sidekick.

And let´s not forget Rose Byrne. She was already a comical revelation in Get Him to the Greek, but she shows in Neighbors how great she is.
Who knew she could complete Rogen comical rythm so efficiently ?
Those two are equally good.

Sheldon's head would explode.

Being Sonyjected was the best thing that could happen to him.

By the way, Joss, Amy is free. Alexis too, now. J. August also. And even David.

There is something to do.

I really like the show (because of its flaws, by now) but I'm clearly wondering if Kaling has something to say, anymore.
We are in the final act of a romantic comedy : the lead has to realize she's made to end with her big love.
So if this is the last batch of the Hulu version (that would allow the production team to

Nathan Fillion should refuse to comeback if she does'nt, or even propose to reduce his own salary.
After all, he knows how much TV executives can be inquitous.