
Well, obviously. The term Near East has fallen out of use, the area it covered transferred to Middle East, and now the latter term no longer fully makes sense, given its relative nature.

While captaining the HMS Skull.


Shit, he's on to us!

I didn't. Seemed to me like a plausible manifestation of his decadence.

Since that claim is false, it's possible he does. It's hard with Trump to be sure when the target of a lie is the rest of the world and when it's his own self.

Serious proposal: Michael McKean.
Not serious proposal: A cowpie I nearly stepped in today.

Hackman should have played LBJ back in the '80s or early '90s. Missed opportunity.

"A Hazy Shade of Winter" or GTFO.

You're a big guy.

There are people in the trailer sub-industry who could make Legion look worse than Iron Fist. We'll find out in October whether it's the show that sucks or just the trailer.

It's how we know the show is gay.

Yes, don't late night talk-show hosts understand that joking about Putin can lead to a nuclear apocalypse? They better keep their mouth shut.

Yes. But if China did it, everyone would be fucked.


Chair don't recognize his ass!

And an honorable mention for King in Prussia (as opposed to of Prussia) for the legalistic hoops it involved.

I don't think such precedents count for very much when dealing with small sample sizes and radically shifting environments. Anyway, you're talking about elections in which sitting vice presidents ran to succeed their boss - that assumes Trump serves out one or 2 full terms. No guarantee of that. Maybe Pence isn't

Mine are Dauphin, because it originated as someone's nickname, and Archduke, because it originated (in the Austrian case) with a forged document.

His family? Really? From the theatricality of his defensiveness, it's clear that he's laying the groundwork for a run in 2020 and/or is terrified Trump will come to that conclusion.