
Alternate headline: Author who Wrote Stereotype Slasher/Horror Movie Sues Writer of Film Mocking Stereotype Slasher/Horror Movies

It presents his struggle. As a characterization scene, it's wonderful. As an introduction, it's pretty weak. There's a similar conversation between the priest and Murdock in the ninth episode (don't worry if you haven't seen that far; I'm not dropping any spoilers), and it plays so much better because they spent so

His performance was good, but in a narrative sense, it's silly. There's literally no reason to care about this guy yet. The scene is really solid, but it would have been better played after anything about the character, his struggle, or the stakes were established.

I have to disagree about the opening. Four minutes of exposition is not the way to hook someone on a superhero show. I'd rather they have started at the docks and then worked in the church scene. Give me a reason to care about the character before you want me to care about his internal struggle.

This article should be called "Which film are you too pretentious to enjoy?"

There are some theories about who Syrio may or may not be and whether or not we'll see him again, though. It's peculiar that he's the one death that we never see (or whose body isn't seen afterwards).

How can they have Mr Show without a magical, pansexual, non-threatening spokesthing?!

I think think this news gave me entitilitus.

If bad physics bother you, I'm guessing you don't like many action or sci-fi movies.

That's exactly what I was going to say. The fourth movie is the only one where they still pretended it was about car porn, and they even started getting pretty ridiculous with that one (the opening truck heist is almost as crazy as the vault sequence in 5). Starting with 5, they just decided to make completely

The fact that it was 53 tweets was part of the joke.

Ahhh…right you are. She still looks awful in these.

It's to make her look like Freakazoid in this awful art style.

You don't mean Bill, right? I mean, their kids would have hooves.

Why not Urbaniak and Warburton as Venture and Samson, respectively? They both already kind of look and sound like their animated counterparts.

50 Shades of Teal and Orange

I pretty much only clicked on this article to see if "Ozymandias" made the list. That was one of the most heartbreaking hours of television I've ever seen. The one scene that always sticks with me is when Walt tells Skyler, "You're never going to see Hank again." Betsy Brandt just nailed her reaction to that and

I thought Andy called Chris "Chip Traeger." Or did I mishear it?

Oh yeah, and a theater that will proudly kick you the fuck out of their "crappy little the-a-ter" if you're acting like a jerk.

"There was nothing wrong with that name until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys."