
Sounds like an interesting premise. Should make for at least 2 good episodes before they run out of ideas and go back to cyborg barry for the billionth time. They clearly have no idea where to go with the show at this point and are just treading water.

Family guy got censored twice.

Pretty sure the south park ethos is that both sides are equally wrong, and those protesters should have found another way of protesting that didn't involve hurting racist's feelings because racist and equality are morally equivalent and interchangeable and BTW wasn't trey parker's ex such a slut for cheating on him?

I especially love the "post-funny satire" bit. Have you SEEN AMERICAN SATIRE RIGHT NOW? During the Bush admin we got by with just Jon stewart. Now we have like 5 of him and they are all on their a game. Oliver is amazing, Sam bee is better on her own show than she ever was on Daily, hell even Trevor Noah has been…

But don't you see? You're both wrong!

"I don't need to give any specific citation or any particular atrocity, as Deep Space Nine depicted a dystopian world in which treachery and violence on the part of humans is the norm. "

Still waiting for that example. If you are gonna make blanket assertions about DS9 you are gonna need more than some literary buzzwords.

Yeah. For one brief shining moment, Marina sirtis gets to play the badass iron lady she auditioned for before Gene had her and Denise crosby switch roles, and it is glorious.

I think you'll find that if you are going to argue against DS9, arguing that Voyager was a good show will serve to discredit you more than your opponents ever could. Even the people who worked on it thought it was a mess.

At least that ep where she goes undercover as a romulan was good.

Yeah. Though they never would have gotten away with the glacial pace if this was the first show. We have them three years to tell less story than BRBA told in one, because we were gambling it was worth it.

It's amc. They don't have the deepest bench. Half of their shows are dedicated to promoting or discussing their other shows. Killing saul would mean 3+ hours of time to fill on mondays.

And reversed the numbers! 1216 same as the magna carta! As if I could make such a mistake! YOU HAVE TO STOP HIM,

And just when you thought troi was captain obvious.

The same way DS9 did, by making the stakes personal and political.

It became magic the second you had talking computers bringing people back to life but being killed by having to calcultate pi.

I'm a fan of nearly every castmember of voyager….but not from that series.

Allison brie's pretty young, we try not to sexualize her.

He's still a jerk, but he has a bit of an excuse. You can see how dealing with the brothers mcgill and their chicanery has worn him down over the years.

I have a feeling she'll be ok. Jimmy will cause a rift between them and she'll leave him. He'll become saul and the final shot of the series will be Gene at the cinnabon, seeing Kim and her husband from afar, knowing he can never be with her.