
Assuming they're paying what opinions are worth on the Internet…I'm guessing the author was mailed a .gif of Josh Modell making a wanking motion?

Minions are goddamn Shakespeare compared to the worst offender in the "for the kids" section: Jar-Jar Binks.

…why not both?

Probably, but the time and effort necessary to find it are almost certainly not worth it to any restaurant - especially since it will vary wildly from child to child.

Pay Slate rates, get Slate pieces.

I think the AV club is getting to the point it doesn't pay much better.

Or more to the point, the adults wouldn't go to that restaurant in the first place, since they're the ones actually making the decision on where to eat. The kids menu isn't for "troglodytes with unrefined palates", it's for "people who had no say in eating here".

I'd say it's well over half the people who provide feedback beyond registering on Nielsen ratings (or equivalent). *Generating* the theories may take hours and hours of research, but *reading* them just takes the barest level of fandom beyond consuming the work.

I'll split the difference and say that even trash people don't deserve to be the subject of revenge pron.

Ignorant white guy check here: MCM?

Yes, because no studio exec would be willing to give a no-name like Nolan funding without a plan to draw in the teeny-boppers that are *vital* to any historical action movie's success.

Association vs. gridiron confusion aside, if both union and league can be considered "rugby", both NFL and CFL can be considered "football".

Trump's already setting records for unpopularity, especially the speed with which it was achieved.

…because it's kinda sad that some of the 20th century's best short-form writing was funded by providing an excuse to buy pictures of naked women.

She was allowed in under the nepotism clause.

Especially since giving directors no oversight has *always* worked out well for Star Wars.

Say what you will about the prequel movies, they by *God* had their own sensibility.

This supports my theory the Everything is an amazing trip toy, not an actual game.

I swear to god, the next episode could be a 55-minute pan across the badlands, and Stephens would just gush about how "patient" and "audacious" it was.