That's the admission to this event. Bare minimum Damon would need to pony up for the attendee to not be doing charity *and* community service.
That's the admission to this event. Bare minimum Damon would need to pony up for the attendee to not be doing charity *and* community service.
…like in the suburbs of Greater Hotepistan?
Is a Hotep allowed to have any of those three? More than one?
Suspect he may be going already, then. Damon's looking to embed a VSB/S, not get a report from a true believer.
Integrity and a (theoretically) five hour commitment. It's not my high moral standards that keep me from doing stuff I hate for $20…
If he's a fan, I think that defeats the purpose.
"…why would a Hotep put himself on a flyer next to a gorilla? WHY?"
But not an apostrophe…apparently there will be more than one Ifatunde.
"No, it was definitely the blood dripping off 'Ifatundes Revenge' that sold me."
Hey, how do you think he afforded the high production standards of this flyer?
Nope. Website says $20.
He does seem to be pulling an Alex Jones style "THIS is why you don't mix STEROIDS and PEYOTE!" face.
The proper response from a GS fan is not to contest this statement. They should say: "That may be true. It is also irrelevant."
This is a lot of what I was thinking during the whole "The Decision" sideshow. The same commentators who said LeBron wasn't truly great without a championship turned around and criticized him for taking the actions most likely to get him a ring.
CK also gets the distinction of being the first film to use a lot of techniques that have since become commonplace.
Low taxes on the rich is bad policy favored by powerful constituencies. And how does my logic state Obamacare is easy to dislodge? The ACA was riddled with compromises that brought the insurance industry on board, and assuming it doesn't get shot down, getting the most hated portion of the American healthcare system…
Hey, I totally agree with you here. I suspect that severely curtailing drug patents would result in far less innovation, but I'm fine with having fewer drugs that nobody can afford. I'd argue that this is *precisely* the kind of incremental change that can gradually make things better. And it may also be the kind…
We tried that with the ERA. It did not work. Good ideas and good policy, poorly implemented, will fail and ensure that nobody tries them again any time soon. Conservatives can get away with ramming through changes because those changes represent a reversion to an earlier status quo that people had to make their…
And that's fine, but you still have an Underpants Gnomes approach to the problem - you're missing a step (well, several steps) between here and there. If your answer is "burn it all down so we can rebuild", say so, but acknowledge that burning it all down introduces it's own issues.