The felonious brains am winning!
The felonious brains am winning!
What about standing on the other side so it looks like I'm pushing it over? Surely I'm the first person clever enough to think of that!
Hey Brazil! Your epidermis is showing!
A Facebooking Cat!?!
Green coats are ok but yellow is where it's at!
Set to Way Down in the Hole I hope.
According to the people I complained about those critics were Marvel fanboys.
Guess I have to stay off Facebook for at least a week. When Batman v Superman came out my newsfeed was an awful parade of anti-intellectualism from people who normally don't read reviews complaining about negative reviews while proudly announcing how, unlike those stuffy critics, they want movies to be fun and they…
Because Leonard Cohen has the sexiest voice in the world.
I remember as a kid seeing a lot of Disney cartoon knock offs in the store. The only one I watched was The Little Mermaid which combined Disney talking animals and the original story's ending. I can still remember the last scene with "Flounder" calling for Ariel not knowing she died.
How many pages about her space shorts?
Well written?
Hey everybody, an old man's talking.
<—- Richard Outcault
I read that as DETHKLOK and got really excited for an Agents of Shield/Metalocalypse crossover.
Bob Johnston…oh wait
Didn't SNL do an inept guitar slingin' Satan sketch?
I had to double check it wasn't a Mark Millar comic.
[imagines having a severe drinking problem due to having to talk bullshit to morons all day]
I've heard great things about Tales From the Boarderlands. Apparently that's their best written game.