
Except for that first Scooby Doo animated movie, where the zombies and ghosts were totally real. Scared the living crap outta me. Hey kids, monsters aren't real!

I'm interested to see what True Detective WAS in the creators eyes. I left the first season astounded….but unsure on what MADE True Detective True Detective. The darkness? Philosophical ambiguity? Occult murder? Hints of paranormal that are completely abandoned during the season finale?

I just wish I had these kinds of snarky, angsty role models when growing up. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't have movies to base my personality off of!

That was THIS CLOSE to being an actual article. On the other hand, I did read it. So I guess everyone wins.

I'm just happy that very little is truly spoiled in Nolan's trailers. He's one of the few directors I can go see and not be completely sure of the film's outcome (see: Inception)

In terms of larger-foul-mouthed-female-movie-stars, your choices are Rebel Wilson or Melissa McCarthy. Pick your poison.

This week you're barely putting up with….the Top Pick for TV tonight??

So the AV Club is DEFINITELY getting those weekly Bryan Fuller interviews again for Season 3, right???

Fire-crotch Walk With Me