
NAFTA promised that. But it seems like we are seeing more and more imports from the Turd Factory.

Anpanman has an American character named Hamburger Kid, who is a cowboy with a hamburger for a head.

They were imported from the Turd Factory.

That Avril Lavigne song is offensive to people with ears.

I didn't think it was Chris Elliot either. He looked too skinny.

During the heyday of the Aquabats, Christian Jacobs (Plex the Robot and creator of Yo Gabba Gabba) used to draw a fake mustache on his face with a marker. The thought process was that if he drew the mustache on his face first, then you couldn't draw a fake mustache on him on the posters. That's how I feel with this

In '98 or '99, I went to see Sleater Kinney with a girl I kind of knew from college. She cried during the entire set. And then we had to wait around after the show because she wanted to hug them (she got the hug!). Thus beginning one of the strangest relationships I have ever had for the next 5 years.

Sometime around 1994, I told everybody I knew in high school that Screaming Trees were the best grunge band. I was thoroughly mocked.

For about 6 years, this was always my "Shut up the car" song. If I was on long drive with friends, and we were about 4 hours into the drive, and everybody was getting on each other's nerves, I would grab this cd out of the cd book, put on Only in Dreams. Everybody in the car would shut up for 8 minutes. And then

Alan Partridge is a well-established character in the UK and has been for about 20 years. The character is now being introduced to the United States. As an act of goodwill, I feel like we should return the favor to the UK. So I offer them "Problem Child."

It's better than the "Get Crabs in Baltimore " Avalon tie-in they originally planned.

I was going to say I liked a few episodes from Season 8 and I realized the episode was going to reference was Scott's Tots. And then remembered it was season 6 and Carrell was definitely still on the show.

That ending and the finale of Seinfeld took me years to appreciate. I love the final episode of Seinfeld now.

They should have called that show "How I Wish I Had Done More With my Mondays".

Ever see her episode of 30 Rock?

It was would have been better if Ted was captured by the feds in a 2-part To Be Continued. But then they never show the second part and you spend your life wondering what the feds did to Ted.

They still do an occasional tour every now and then. The might sound better now than they did in the 90's. They put on a great show. And it's all old people like me in the crowd, so you can just stand around and drink beer.

Yea, it's rather insulting to the ska bands that toured throughout the late 80's until the early 2000's. And when I dig out my old CD's, Tragic Kingdom is not one of the one's that still holds up. The Slackers still sound amazing, as does Skavoovie and the Epitones.(I've recently discovered that Trad Ska gets my

They were also one of the main acts on Lollapalooza. When they played Philly, they opened up the main stage, but complained about the size. And played the 3rd stage a few hours later. I was 15. It was the punkest thing I had ever seen in my life.

I actually liked Season 2. I loved how absurd it was. Like there was so much wrong with it, that I actually enjoyed it. I enjoyed the "Just when you think things can't get any worse…" episodes.