
I could do without the "hammer" which feels like a bat to my head…but gotta go with Law & Order, especially the episodes with Lenny & Ed.

Crazy, I just happened to watch Dirty Harry last weekend and it had been a long time since I'd last seen it. My original thoughts were "oh man, this has not aged well…" But really, it's just a time capsule of what the reality was back then, what was acceptable. And one thing I've noticed in the past few years are

And the stars look very different, today.

I bought the album & love David Bowie but just can't get into this one. Maybe I need to listen to a few times, or smoke a bowl before putting on the headphones….I don't know. I WANT to like it!

This dummy….it's called real life, the food chain - how can those sick slaughterers who are just trying to feed their families be too damn lazy to run to Whole Foods for some tofu or free-range chicken (packaged without blood and guts in a recyclable container, of course).

I'm pretty liberal but have to give Fox some credit for not kowtowing to this clown….definitely signals the end of the world as we know it, for sure.

All You Need Is Love, The End, No Reply, and I AM THE FREAKING WALRUS are "skippable"? Oh man, are all of you BAT$HIT crazy???

Love most of the list but would've substituted four letters with these: Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields Forever, Glass Onion and I Am The Walrus.

I'm 52 also and I totally agree. I still listen to the music we grew up with, but love to discover new stuff. Most recent purchases on iTunes - Alabama Shakes, Joywave, Robert DeLong and yes, some Pink Floyd and Cheap Trick ☺️

Not impressed. Acquire Fernwood 2-Night, All That Glitters and Dream On, then I'll do it with you Hulu. Or Netflix. I have no shame.

Huh. I found it better than the majority of the other sketches that made it to air. It's quite brilliant and actually kind of sweet! SNL definitely should've put it on…damn.

Oh man, this really dates me. My first 45 single was "Band On The Run" - on the flip side was "Helen Wheels" - I was 8 years old and thought that was so cool that Paul McCartney & Wings were really singing "hell". Take that, Mom!

You can watch it on Vimeo.

Well Steve, it looks like Tommy wants you to drop off the face of the earth. And that's a promise!

For what, Pablo? REVENGE????

What about "Revenge"? Perfect example of a great premise with great promise that completely fizzled out by the end of Season 1. By that point, you'd figured out that nothing was ever going to happen… and that the acting was pretty lame.

David & David's "Welcome to the Boomtown", a hauntingly beautiful song and album that came out in 1986 I believe….and then they were gone!

Well, technically I'm being a copycat but I'd go with the part of the Overture on Rush's 2112 that ABC used during the late '70s-early '80s on Wide World of Sports. Still love that!

I took my parents to see Reservoir Dogs…..and Clerks. They refused to watch Pulp Fiction even after I got it on DVD, and are holding steady on not trusting me to pick out our movies (almost 20 years on). Can't say I blame them - I'm obviously not to be trusted!

Aww, I was just trying to be nice and keep with the spirit of the discussion and you come along and let the cock out of the bag!