
Ah, relativity. Half a million more viewers, and they'd have the entire population of my country watching…

Black pudding is easy to eat, no different than fried salami slices. Crunchy little bird bodies though? Hmm.

But it *was* obvious what happened. And it wasnt that she was dead. I mean the Jack/Will hook Hannibal conspiracy has been obvious for the last three or four episodes.

I think he's doing as well as he can given that Verger has always been a ridiculous one dimensional character. I'm at a loss as to why people were looking forward to Mason showing up in the series, he's a cartoon villain and pretty much exists only to make Hannibal look heroic by comparison.

To be honest I was super relieved that was the direction it went in. I remember Mason was a child rapist and I was creeped out by what the denouement of that scene was going to be.

Nice Dead Ringers shout out with those red surgical scrubs…

Yep, I would bet wheelchair body is there to bolster Will's claim to have served up Freddie to Hannibal. Conveniently ultra-burned John Doe or something.

?? How many high schoolers do you know who have that deep whiskey voice?? She sounds like the only person so far who immediately cottoned onto Hannibal's game. (It took Will much longer, for all his insight.)

I ship Jack's soul patch and nihilism.

He's a one-dimensional monster, so I can't see much scope there. Here's hoping he at least doesn't go for the camp angle though.

Yes, there was nothing creepy about that CSI episode; if anything it made furries look less creepy than they actually are.

Bronies are way too disturbing to be on this show. Lobotomy beehives, blood eagles, still alive diabetes fungus people - a okay. Bronies? No way. No Mr Hands either (though last week was close I guess).

Yeah, and also, I would bet he reported that shit to Jack before turning up with Randall's body at Hannibals place.

Every time I see the headline for these 'for your consideration' features' (i.e.professional trolling), I feel like I've strayed onto the Daily Mail website.

Yep, and failed miserably at; as he also does in writing believable female characters.

I agree, I was just disagreeing with Saul. In the wrong thread, and in such a way that it sounds like I'm saying the opposite. Don't drink & surf, lol.

His meals only look delicious when they're made of people. Yikes.

Will is reeling him in by letting him think he's been successful in releasing Will's inner killer… And Jack is totally in on it.

It's an SK comedy/variety show doing a parody voiceover & graphics, you know like rifftrax meets the daily show.

Hilariously there's a comment above complaining everyone looks *too* pretty. I know what you mean though, I need to show my flatmate The Hunt, he's unconvinced of Mads usual prettiness.