
I think it was mentioned casually throughout the series that most of sunnydale made the choice to not acknowledge the dangers. Also did they drink at the bronze? If there was no alcohol then they could be there in high school and college.

My racist aunt is going to be so upset to hear this

Antisemitism is sooo 80 years ago. Over it.

This is cringey pandering at its worst. And people wonder how that pepsi commercial happened?

Do kids still watch this show?

Anyone can do the homework and get decent grades, this boy lacks all common and emotional sense. He is a big ole lughead.

Do you think archie was intended to be this stupid, or the stupidity came from KJ's performance?

I feel like I missed something. Wasn't it just an episode or two ago that Cheryl told Polly not to move in with her parents, when she realized her mom was planing on taking the baby? Why is Cheryl suddenly all, "please come live with us."? And how the hell has Polly not had an ultrasound yet? And why is Polly leaving

But will my five year old like it? And could I stand sitting through it for 90 minutes?

The script also had actual dialogue, unlike Rogen's which just has a direction to adlib the day of filming.

I read the whole thing, and I'm not picking up the creepy/romance novel vibes. It felt intimate but not intrusive or overstepping boundries.

Emma Watson's eyebrows made this Belle the most punchable Belle of the two. The songs also felt slowed down, and kinda blah with the exception of Kill The Beast.

I was never big on tara. She always looked like she was ready to nod off (at least to me), and if I'm remembering right, she always had this kind of wispy voice that bugged me.

This movie reminds me of those folksy wooden utensils old people decorate their kitchens with. No purpose, but damn if that kitchen isn't feeling cozy now.

I liked this version, If I was 9 or 10 and it was in English, I would have loved it.

Is it me, or does Alexis look like she'd rather be somewhere else?

For some reason I thought the box was kind of like a one way mirror. The couple would be able to see out into the audience, but the audience wouldn't be able to see in.

Hulu please pick it up!

Who the hell hates brunch? It's alcohol with breakfast foods!

The producer trying to hide his laugh after the demo of Simon sees was priceless, and poor Simon trying desperately to sell it made me feel so bad and so good at the same time.