The Hadrian Proxy
The Hadrian Proxy
Mission of Burma - Outlaw
Coldplay - Clocks
Pavement - Two States
Portishead - Seven Months
Angela Lansbury - Beauty and the Beast
It's been mentioned already, but the "Cauliflower's Cumin From Inside the House" burger has to be my favorite Burger of the Day. I cracked up for a solid minute when I saw that one.
U.S. out of North America! And Packers!
I know it's supposed to be really meaningful, but the first time I saw the name Albus Severus Potter the only thing I could think was "Ehhhh…"
Big McLargehuge?
With every piece of news I'm feeling more and more happy that I managed to see them on the Doolittle anniversary tour and can't see them this time around.
I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes.
Technically I do have stuff to do, but there's only an hour of it spread over an 8-hour work day. Whee!!!
EDIT: What the hell, Disqus?
Audiences will be stunned during the debate over the basic principles of Roman Catholicism versus Anglicanism.
There's a cafe near my home that sells popcorn chicken that looks alarmingly like real life Popplers, so whenever I watch Futurama I usually end up craving some.
If you need more people, I've got Molotov cocktails at your service.