
"I'm tired of these motherfucking Mongolians on this motherfucking wall!"

Why did you fuck yourself?

Chip Kelly's offense relies on quick reads and quick passes, which Kaepernick is horrible at. He can run, but expecting him to make quick reads is hilarious.

That's why he isn't starting yet. He can't fit that afro in his helmet.

Blaine fuck Gabbert.

Soccer? Jesus. You should be ashamed of calling yourself a MURICAN

Ah Joe Buck

I hope you feel properly ashamed of what Brady is going to do to those poor Browns.

Fuck the Brewers and fuck Bud Selig. May he die a painful death from super AIDS.

Not really, no. They went in a different direction from Warning onwards (which i really like). I liked American Idiot, 21st Century Breakdown, and now Revolution Radio. That 3 album release in 2012 was a mess, but there were still a few good songs mixed in.

Why Michigan, at that? Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama…THOSE are the states that would fit the Michigan role in this show.

Dead on about the 9/11 references.

I was cringing so hard at the "hacking" scene.

The Congresswoman is quickly becoming an irritation.

Sadly i'm starting to agree. The pilot was good, but the flaws began to present themselves last episode, and this one was just a slog.

Found the douche.

Why is anyone arguing with this fuckwit?

Weird. I never knew The Offspring were so hated. I always thought they were ok.

Complaining about Batman/Superman killing people is the stupidest thing to bitch about.

So trash like 2 Broke Girls gets multiple seasons, while this gets canned after one?