agree, and it will be funny to watch this on rerun in 10 years time (through our new, clear GryzzlFones) and chuckle at how people used to live.
agree, and it will be funny to watch this on rerun in 10 years time (through our new, clear GryzzlFones) and chuckle at how people used to live.
it needs a calm hand directing. Tell everyone to take it down a notch, except Wilson who needs to bring it down two, and stop cutting from snarky remark to each other person's eyeroll/shrug/response. The visuals are as frenetic as the characters. And Gil needs less air time.
I thought he might get some flack from that a well, from the other party's media outlets, but unlike you, I would not have thought it was well-deserved.
that list of things he has and hasn't done was hilarious, with the highlighting, etc.
oh, stupid me, I didn't get that it was menopause.
yeah, maybe the kid says, and that's why, actually, I don't go to the beach. The mother thing did seem forced.
really good editing, the back and forth, as well.
I have no problem with immediate bitterness. The bitterness of jury members voted off two weeks earlier… I would think the stink has cooled.
this seems significant, as I agree the Survivors who have seen the edit of the Season, sitting live on stage, are reeling with new revelations.
I've mentioned before, Tasha seems okay on all three tribes. She is gorgeous, did well at physical challenges (shaky recall, feel free to correct me), and is smart. But Tasha relies on her brain, most likely, where Morgan has a tough life ahead of her post 40.
a lot of people who are sharp re: others are completely un-self aware, don't you think?
re: LJ looking so much older and less "Beauty" with his thinning hair. Hair is an issue on the island (though as I am a great French-braider the girls would have to hang out with me :) ) On a narcissistic note: I am now finally going gray, fast, and have thick wavy hair and am young enough where I just don't want to…
it would be interesting to have some sort of data/video of the potentials, talking to a proper audience (not casting, but the CBS shrink, someone less personal but not casting, etc) where they talk about whether they intend to "be themselves", win at all costs, or somewhere in between:
it would be interesting to have some sort of data/video of the potentials, talking to a proper audience (not casting, but the CBS shrink, someone less personal but not casting, etc) where they talk about whether they intend to "be themselves", win at all costs, or somewhere in between:
Tony: my dad? Alphonso? He's alive and well in Hoboken.
Borneo is innately unique. Everything changed after the subsequent contestants got to see what to see.
did he get some work done before the live finale?
Jeff must be flinching each time he utters the same "come on in!" and "wanna know what you're playing for?" but the fact that so much other, more natural dialogue is edited out, and that, for his faults, Jeff is still visibly enthusiastic. It makes it okay.
ok, i hate-liked, or whatever the ridiculously inaccurate phrase is, the Walk of Fallen Comrades. It makes the final more complete, and a teeny bit more poignant.
I get what you are saying, and as someone in film/TV production, true, true, but I am a nerd in the fact that I like these people to come in pure. Post-Hatch, the game changed (and of course it should have) but the mugging for camera time, making yourself a "character" makes me irritated. Play the game, as it is the…