Tom Salter

I love that Hispanic guy. He's so funny in all his appearances.


It's the first time all the characters in the show acknowledged Smithers is Gay!
Someone told me to let Lenny & Carl work that out for themselves. So did Marge.

I'd agree with Vance only.

Vance played Johnny C. so well. Scumbag he was…
And OJ knew right away he was social toast. I hope they never parole him. Cuba was miscast.

I will-ha

Great show topped off with Ian and Lip coming to their own terms and Frank being tossed over a Chicago bridge.

What you don't know is a lot.

I was so very happy with the whole show. Now let's work on Lenny and Carl.

Just like seeing Hannah's body.

Peter was very good, unfortunately SNL is still dull.

Looks like Archer is dropping the ISIS shtick. None to soon. DVR all set up.

And yet OJ brutally killed two people and got away with it. Ito was an incompetent judge.

John bashed land lines, which, are the only affordable phones for low income households. In terrible taste. I am also sick of him talking about trump. Enough…and get a new haircut and glasses.

The Duplass brothers should be embarrassed by making such an absolutely boring show. Who would want any of these dullards to be their friend? I'd move out of the neighborhood. HBO still sinks low since their hay days in earlier days.

Again, I get ill when Lena shows more of her tons of cellulite. Not only is it visually disturbing -it's unhealthy! Not apologize for being a bitch? She should have 'sorry cards' printed up like business cards and bow each time (7-8 daily) to all she comes in contact with as she hands them out.

Elijah takes great fucking orders.

I love Ross in Lady sings the Blues and I have Holiday records so after 20 or so minutes I turned it off. HBO is not what it use to be.

What is about boys and their coddled eggs?

And Lisa's my only good child.