
That Convenience store scene - quite innovative of Lynch to exploit the inherent creepiness of scrubbing through footage while editing - even the chirped, warbled 'fast-forward' sounds are almost exactly what you'd hear scrolling through that wide shot in Final Cut Pro

Damn bro

interesting, expand?

"you and I will have a talk sometime… YOU AND I will have a talk." so good. "cheers to the fbi"

Cole :"Damn fine coffee" Diane: "So… say what you came here to say"
Lynch's comment on fan service vs the new narrative?

Cole: "This may require a slight change of attitude on your part" Diane: "My attitude is none of your fucking business" - funny on 1st viewing, pretty sad on the rewatch

Everyone 6 eps in: What the hell are all these childish scribbles?

Looked as if the take started but the cameraperson was still repositioning, and Lynch chose to keep it in, justifying it with the car sounds/pulling out. Very odd but cool


Yes. It's quite distracting.

The Glass Box reminds me of how Briggs describes his work in s2ep2: "Among my many tasks is the maintenance of deep space monitors, aimed at galaxies beyond our own. We routinely receive various communications, space garbage, to decode and examine […] It's radio waves and gibberish, Agent Cooper" - ehh?

Shoutout to LATOT, possibly the funniest show ever

Can I get some validation that the ending scene of this was terrible? Or was it just in my head? *Fade to white*

Hey Melanie where u gettin this alter stuff?

Something about opening this ep with Steve Bannon I found very funny

I was hoping Lacie's speech would ruin the reputation of Alice Eve's character for being associated with her

Have another glass of wine, Gayle. Numb yourself.

blake011 halfway thru Jaws - 'I really hope this isnt the last we see of that shark…'

As a Gram Parsons fan may I say - yuck. Awful rendition of his character, the most shallow possible reading of the 'mystic drug cowboy' persona, and bordering on bad taste with the allusions to his death. Could have been a good entry point to Gram's work. "Richie, have you met Gram Parsons?" "Only on wax", ya right.

Not sure if this has been brought up, but listening to the Fiona Apple opening song tonight it seems like the lyrics are directly sung from Alison's dead child's POV. In that light the song becomes pretty literal, so might be worth taking a read through the lyrics for clues?