
That's why I *like* it. The way Korean and other Asian filmmakers mix tones and genres makes their work a lot more interesting to me than most American films. But not just Asians — I saw an interview with Neil Jordan once, where he told how the American studios were bothered by The Crying Game. They could see a

Seems awesomely epic to me.

"I thought God didn't make mistakes?" He doesn't; those people are doing his will. (I don't actually believe that, mind you — I'm an atheist — but it's odd how people tend to overlook that option. It's not like the Universe is your friend.)

They were Muslims too.

He was also "bisexual" at the time, he said. Odd that neither this article nor any comment so far mentions his queerness. … But I almost forgot, "The Width of a Circle" is the only queer song on "Man Who Sold the World" — "Queen Bitch" was later.

Ricki, you got a lotta 'splainin' to do!

GinsBERG, hon. Not "Ginsburg."

Which is why we need to colonize other planets, stat!

You mean, like Fifty Shades of Grey?

This is a good article overall, but I disagree that the belief that, because someone criticizes some aspect of a film (or novel, or piece of music), they therefore hate it altogether, turns up whenever a fan encounters criticism of a work he or she loves. It's of a piece with jumping from relative situations ("many

I don't know if I'll read this book, which may be valuable but puts me off with its subtitle: the "rise" of rape culture? Rape culture is *traditional,* and ancient.

Why not Chik-Fil-A? Why are they working with McDonalds instead of a godly company like that?

Why not? Nothing is impossible for God, as Jesus said.

"Aronofsky went through Sheol, with the Witch of Endor as his guide."

That's Christianity for you! "He is not with me is against me," Matthew 12:30 and parallels.

Maybe so, but he's the version of God of most of the New Testament.

For that matter, would you read the Bible to a child, with its graphic depictions of sex and ultraviolence? Lot drunkenly screwing his daughters? Yahweh stripping Jerusalem naked before her lovers? The polygamy, the concubines, the slavery? How does that teach good morals and values?

Would you bring a child to see "Passion of the Christ"?

Ah, john, like so many believers you confuse your beliefs (and this movie) with God. Hating this movie — which was made by men — doesn't mean the reviewer hates God; that's a separate question. Even if God had made it, one could still critique the work without hating the maker. Your reaction is basically that of a

It's true that "modern portrayals" of Heaven are not in the New Testament, but the ancient portrayals are not much better. I think your "deeply spiritual concept involving destruction of any current concepts of time" is a modern portrayal itself. Jesus refers to the clouds of heaven in connection with his return at