
As someone who was annoyed when I received the unwanted album, I'll say that Bono's apology actually came off as heartfelt and sincere to me. I accept.

Why's that? :-)

"My Blue Heaven" is one of my favorite comedies and is highly underrated. If you haven't seen it, I strongly recommend it. It should hold up somewhat … (Sorry for the slight tangent).

Mumble, mumble, mumble…You're a wonderful conversational companion.

I'm in only if this is done right … meaning the Jim Henson Creature Shop and David Bowie must be on board.

You may be on to something.

Fraggle Rock (puppet version) all the way. Remember that old HBO intro with the epic music and the letters flying out in space? :-) Got me so pumped.

I'll give you the Holocaust, but enjoyed Ghostbusters II.

I enjoyed Ghostbusters II.

I was completely against a Ghostbusters remake/reboot in any form or fashion until I read this … It's an interesting idea.

I hadn't! But just now I Googled it and am now informed. Thank you.

Valid … but it's close.

Does anyone else think that this movie is the worst idea in the history of horrible ideas?

Here's a better idea: Why don't you take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face.

You know what? Why the f*** not at this point.

I up-voted you simply because you're wearing a tanooki suit.

This movie is so bad that it's good. I still love it.

When I first read about this show, I expected little Bruce to be seen maybe just now and then… and I'm not loving the way they're forcing him into every episode.

I agree …. about how it could work, and about skipping the over-obvious winking. I like the mythology, though, as long as it's subtly handled.

What you're talking about sounds a bit like "Sleepy Hollow."