
They only managed one season for some reason. I don't remember much about it except that I thought it was not as interesting as ours. I think American Survivor is just fabulously done. The editing and production quality for the American show just cannot be beat.

Yeah, that could be. But maybe the American version would have turned out that way anyway—if not Hatch then somebody else would have done it. Maybe it is something in our national character. Supposedly we have more people with that wild adventurous, risk-taker genes. Japanese seem to not have that gene too much from

Oops. I replied to your question about finding them before reading this comment. Yeah, a lot of it is available on Youtube. Every once in a while, you just have to be real creative about finding a missing episode. I can often find French stuff on Daily Motion.

I never saw season 1 of Survivor. I did not have a tv at the time. Two of the roughest years of my life at that time.

Not being from that part of the country, they kind of all sound the same to me…sorry. But I will take your word for it that it is northeast Philly because it sounds like you know what you are talking about.

They're finding out now that no election win is coming.

Yeah, I wondered about that. I thought I would definitely stick some of that rice anywhere that I thought it would stay and try to get it back to camp. I was thinking a bunch would fit in my bathing suit top. I ruled out trying to secret it prison style.

Ethnicity is not nearly the same at all. When you watch various countries' versions of Survivor, you can clearly see how different various nationalities behave in that situation. Of course, some nationalities behave more like Americans than others. Clearly the western countries contestants behave closer to Americans

That would be cool.

Yeah, budget is a problem. I am sure that is why the production quality for all of the other Survivor shows around the world is so terrible. The camera work is poor and grainy. The sets are awful. They don't have the cool buffs and instead either use plain colored t-shirts or plain kerchiefs.

Why doesn't Canada do its own Survivor? I have watched French Survivor (called Koh Lanta). I am waiting for episode 4 to post on Youtube for the 2016 season right now. It is a pretty good season although production value for Koh Lanta is very low and the French contestants are horrible at roughing it—they quit the

I love that idea. The contestants should be actually representative of the various parties' demographics. Republicans are 89% white, 6% Hispanic, 2% black. Democrats are 60% white, 13% Hispanic, 22% black. Independents are 70% white, 16% Hispanic, 8% black, 3% Asian. Any missing percents are represented by Asian and

She sounds slightly like Rhoda from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. I agree with the person that said a lot of East Coast women sound like her. She has sort of that fast, tinny Manhattan Jew or Philadelphia urbanite voice.

He's a doctor. Most of them are like that.

I would like a Democrats versus Republicans survivor season.

He is not indispensable. He probably is a crappy swimmer and would not do well at a mental challenge. If they lose again, I would vote him off next if I were them.

Which is one reason they got rid of her first.

Because the brains tribe used sound reasoning in deciding who to vote out. Peter is more useful in challenges because of his size and strength. He is by far the strongest member of their tribe physically. Probably jumps higher and runs faster too being half black. (Don't get upset, you know it is true.) Also, he is

Who not whom. If you don't know when to use whom, it is better to just use who all the time.

Peter is a typical doctor. They are egotistical, narcissistic, and think they are smarter and better than they are. Just like Ben Carson. Their job is the opposite of reading social cues because they are all powerful and there are no consequences for not being sensitive to other people as a doctor. They almost can't