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    Rick McCallum on Hamilton: "It's SO dense. Every single song has so many things going on."

    What the world needs is a collection of Daveed Diggs's skeptically snarky interjections - his "uhhhs," his "HEH HEH HEH HEH. HEH," and yes, his "Whaaaaaaaaaaat."

    It's like a Hollywood Nuremberg defense: "The demographics told me to do it!"

    Good (Timothy) Evans, that was a stretch.

    While I'll concede to the childhood angle, I maintain that George Lucas was second only to Jake Lloyd in killing Jake Lloyd's career.

    There's five tracks on the National Theatre's SoundCloud to tide us over while we wait.

    The psychotic stuff works, in my opinion, because it calls into question just how seriously we're supposed to take Plinkett's criticism, and, by extension, just how seriously we're supposed to take any critic, professional or otherwise.