Erik D

The same rules are applied for second and third place money in regular games. If the players were still tied after the Jeopardy round, then they see who had the lead at the first commercial break. All of the contestants are aware of the rule before playing.

There's no way Spy Who Shagged Me was the worst of the Austin Power movies. Goldmember thought its audience was so stupid, they wouldn't get the obscured subtitles gag, so they spent several minutes explaining it to us. Ugh.

Cleopatra was of Greek blood. Unless there's something I don't know about Macedonian Greeks, she was white.

The xkcd comic "Ten Thousand" completely changed the way I react when somebody tells me they haven't seen or heard of some major pop cultural thing. Instead of saying "you haven't seen Ghostbuster? What's wrong with you?!", I'm i stead excited for that person who gets to see it for the first time. It's made me less of

Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford did an interview together for Entertainment Weekly a few years ago. It was the greatest grouch-off of all time.

Chronologically speaking, Vivica A Fox's character was the second to die.

To Pimp a Butterfly would be a great album if it wasn't for him reading the same goddamn poem after every track. Look Kendrick, the only rapper to get away with that was Wesley Willis, and that's because he kept it short. If I wanted tedious repitition, I'd play The Phantom Hourglass.

You would think a sword of that size would give him some more muscle.

My favorite Loggia moment is from Lost Highway. "Do you like porno? Does it give you a boner?" Nobody could read that line with the casual matter of factness like he could.

Between 504 and Copycat, Friedman Friese is into making commentary on games more than actual games. It reminds me of Cleopatra's Caboose, a game where the designer deliberately added in as many Euro cliches as possible.

You need to find the right people, especially for a game like AH. I, for one, loathe that game and its spinoffs (Eldrich Horror, Elder Sign), but plenty of my friends ar huge fans of it.

Jeremy also used the "I have to poop" excuse to go off on his nighttime idol adventure.

Russell Hantz (Survivor's greatest villain) originally auditioned for Pirate Master. Smart of the casting crew to save him for Survivor instead.

I really wanted to like Yomi, but the description above, "Rock Paper Scissors slowed down" is too accurate. Think of all the best parts of Street Fighter, strip them out, and replace them with a game children play to settle differences because they're too dumb to know Evens/Odds, the more efficient version of

Anyone who likes Ascension should check out Star Realms. They're very similar (deck building games featuring four factions with different "personalities" to each).

A friend of mine brought back Codenames from GenCon. It's a fantastic deduction game. Can't find a copy anywhere—I think the designer was taken by surprise by the response to the game.

Ah, Where the Red Fern Grows. One classmate didn't finish it, so the teacher had him read it while the rest of us did the work. He started crying at the end. We all laughed. Not in that children-are-evil-and-we'll-make-fun-of-him-for-years-about-this way, but because we were all there the night before.

Correction: Reggie Jackson also had a cameo in BASEketball. I DON'T HAVE YOUR FUCKING BALL!!!

Reminds me of when my dad thought a Pikachu toy said "kick a Jew".

My favorite part of Salem was the one non-witch attraction: the House of the Seven Gables.