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    You know, I had written it at the end of my message - it was a nice joke - but I think that Weiner & Co had Roth in mind before reality.

    There is a scene in season 3 where Sally watches the self-immolation of Buddhist monks, which is also something from American Pastoral.

    Yeah, you just have to watch Jon Hamm in an interview to be impressed with the way he plays Don Draper.

    Betty feels like everyone who's supposed to lover her forgets her at some point, and Don is forgotten by the agency in some way, they can live without Don Draper. Except Betty is crazy, her son obviously worships her. And Don is still admired by some people - even by Peggy, I'm sure -, but the situation is awkward.

    Well, the first one zoomed out.

    That's why AMC said: "Your fans can't handle all of it! Let's keep the last episodes for us and wait a year! FOR THEM!"

    This line was definitely meta, though. They did something like that with all the Bobbys in The Better Half last year.

    Because Peggy has never been a Don to Ginsberg, she's scared of someone else taking her place.

    Well, I think he's definitely making fun of himself and, yes, of the guy in front of him.

    Yes, it's very weird indeed. What happened to the review of When Did You See Her Last? Not a wrong question.


    It's not lighter than SoUE, I would even say that ATWQ is darker. Snicket lives in a world where VFD is already broken, and this series is all about separation. It takes place in an empty city, Stain'd by the Sea, far away from where he'd like to be. The writing is better too. If you like SoUE, you have to read the

    I see. No, seriously, I sounded harsh - and you went easily "full retard" -, but I meant that they can be comparable. And the characters that I cared for in Angel was new ( and Angel and Cordelia weren't my favorite characters) The lack of humanity, of real dynamics between the characters is real. And they're drowned

    Yes, SHIELD isn't a spin of one of the most successful movies in…the world's history.

    Do you remember what happened at the end of the eight episode of Angel? It was sad. Because I cared. I don't care about SHIELD's characters. I'm disappointed, so I'm harsh…but I keep faith for the season.

    Well, they review it using the same criteria they would use to review Dollhouse, Buffy, Angel (good/great shows), and SHIELD isn't fresh, the characters aren't good, the plots ridiculous; they have money and the Marvel universe, they can do great things, and they don't.

    You haven't seen the film, obviously. It's not a porno.

    I see it as a fascinating shadow of what Homeland was. And Buffy 6 is my favorite season of the show. Funny how different sensibilities perceive things…

    They're 47 minutes, not 32. It will be 57 minutes, or something like that. Please, keep your sarcasm and change it into a butterfly.