Please explan
Please explan
It is very risky to assume my my journey thru life - suffice it to say every human on earth has the right to their opinion - guess what , even the ones you don't like.
These tragically injured individuals would be just as tragically injured if the driver was a white supremacists or a member of Antifa. Thus my point that violence has no race, creed, color, religion, or gender or for that matter political leanings. ONCE AGAIN…as I CLEARLY stated I was speaking to the hypocrisy of…
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I enjoy a good discussion of points of view.
You may be correct that I shifted the focus from the central point of the story - but I was trying to illicit some open minded debate on, what I thought was, a related topic.
PLEASE do not conflate my comments with any endorsement of…
BTW - I was trying to keep the focus on my comments, but as for your comment - have you heard of Antifa?
This does not have any bearing on my comments - are you feeling okay - I am little worried about you. Are you getting enough sleep? Maybe you should get a good nights sleep have a good meal and try again - because this attempt really is not worth the effort. Best of luck to you
I am not sure I followed all of your allegorical references - but you should not assume anything about the path any person's life has (or has not) taken.
I can not image why right wing violence against left wing individuals would be thought of as an open and shut case????
Nelson Mandela "If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." I have nothing but love in my hart - I hope you find a non-violent path in your life friend.
Your eloquence speaketh like the early morning dew. However, your grasp of logical discourse is somewhat lacking.
Once again….I CLEARLY stated I was speaking to hypocrisy and I CLEAR spoke out against violence. I humbly suggest you read and comprehend comments before issuing rash retorts.
Your rapier like wit has missed the mark. Like many, I fear you are running away from an uncomfortable discussion.
I applaud that your open-mindedness. My statement is not disingenuous - I am asking people to stop looking at the world thru a lens of convenient political narrative and start applying their thought and logic consistently as humans - regardless of race, creed, color, religion, or gender
So you are in favor of look at all sides of it!!!!! Looks like we are in agreement!!!!!
Wow a lot of hatred and violence in that comment. Please do not project you issues on to me - I disagree with everything you purport to be my motives. If it makes you sleep better at night - I think history would show that most violence has been committed by white people - there feel better???
Twetp - what a hateful word. Are you afraid of something? This seem rather unprovoked. IF you read my comment and IF you understood it; you would know that I CLEARLY stated I was speaking to hypocrisy and I CLEAR spoke out against violence. I won't call you names, but I humbly suggest you read and comprehend comments…
Mindless - what a hateful word. Are you afraid of something? This seem rather unprovoked. IF you read my comment and IF you understood it; you would know that I CLEARLY stated I was speaking to hypocrisy and I CLEAR spoke out against violence. I won't call you names, but I humbly suggest you read and comprehend…
Not sure what this has to do with my comment. As I stated CLEARLY stated I dislike violence of any kind against anyone. I hope you are not advocating violence with your rather random comment.
When violence is committed by any group (other than whites) the progressive left begs us to consider all sides; but when the violent crime is committed by whites - it is an open and shut case.