Dexter didn't have a last season. You can't convince me otherwise.
Dexter didn't have a last season. You can't convince me otherwise.
I am forgetful Doris- levels, but the line "- John Abruzzi? -John Abruzzi." is anchored to my brain.
I'm Jai-biased. Please exclude Jai from this forgetable assemble. :-)
Thank you for summing up all the good parts, I needed it. Now I'll remember this show fondly.
"big goal of whatevering"
He had a love interest, you forget about… uh, oh, I forgot her name.
I don't care if she's their biological mother, really. She would be their mother if she had adopted them and not even gave birth to them.
And the only one who never cared to feel guilt about the murders. Coincidence? I think not.
He's too self-centered to be a bartender. Never would be able to act like a sounding board.
'Guys! My grandad made a BELL'
Never cared about Matt. I can't decide if he was more uninteresting, useless, talentless or stupid.
Additional thoughts:
- How did she die?
- She watched the TVD series finale and scratched her head to oblivion.
Even if they botched the rape scene, it was something new to show a rape victim pick up her pieces and do something with her life. Rape victims are not supposed to shrivel and die, like most series and films want us to believe.
You'd be surprised what turns some people on.
I think at the end of television, Kai and Adam will be together, Still In Hell.
Unrelated, but the actor who played Cade is one of the most attractive persons I have ever seen walk this earth.
Also Damon is less annoying, if I may say so.
"These Nina-less seasons can only be redeemed if they're revealed to have taken place entirely in Caroline's mind…or erotic fiction."
A bunch of rich, white, attractive, extremely powerful people who do things that we find repulsive but are forgivable in their little club and their complicated love lives.