Sam Miller

Do you mean lyrics, singing, or combo? Because honestly the whispering of Roxxxy Andrew's track is what sends that over the edge to horrible. Trinity didn't do great on the track, but it was at least something the producer could edit to tolerable.

I mean you were still able to vote for Peppermint for Miss Congeniality, so idk. I voted for her. I was leaning towards Valentina originally. But her elimination was kinda frustrating. I still hung on. But Peppermint really did it for me this season. I think she's definitely a Miss Congeniality!

I have no reference for DnD, but I just loved Major naming his character Sir. So clever.

I don't understand the hate for this season at all. I loved every second of it. The only season of this show that was below par for me was Season 3. Yes 1 and 2 are the shining stars, but I think Season 5 is close behind and Season 4 right behind that.
This show is better than 95% of other dramas on TV. And still a

Oh yeah, like in Season 2 when a future president literally murdered someone in cold blood. I don't know why people keep acting like this show used to be realistic.
It's always been a dramatic take on politics. Everything in this season is just as much a dramatized version of early politics as Seasons 1 and 2 were

I think the most frustrating part about Shea's rainbow look is that it still could have worked if she had actually followed the challenge. Like it's a graffiti dress, the colors could easily be rainbow ones.

No one ever wins the second to last challenge. Like unofficially maybe, but there's never an officially declared winner of it. Or at least there hasn't been since Season 3. But never know, things could change.

I feel like Shea would be better suited for a future All Stars win. I feel like both Chad and Alaska have a more all around great queen vibe rather than anything super specific. I think Shea would go well in that category, especially with a little more time and money.
I agree about past queens pushing things forward.

I just realized- did Alexis Michelle get the exact same edit as Derek Barry? Like I know there's always a villain role, but each season is different and done to varying degrees. I'd say Phi Phi was a different villain than Roxy who was different from Ginger and then Derek. But it honestly seems like Derek and Alexis

I'm just going to complain about this early:
Since season 4, the penultimate episode does not have a winner and I think it’s bullshit. There’s usually a fairly obvious Top 2 on that episode, if not just winner of the challenge. Like its dumb that there’s a challenge and they don’t get recognized for doing the best that

The puppet show mini challenge should be next week and I am so ready for some shady fun!!

Obviously Trinity was Top 2, but I thought the win should have gone to Sasha. Both looks matched the sister. Trinity did better in the performance, but I thought her outfit was kind of typical for her. Not bad, just not great. Meanwhile Sasha's performance was still fine, not great. But her look was so good that Zaldy

I agree that J'onn was used a bit less this season, but I was fine with it. I thought he got an appropriate amount of screen time. We don't need to spend that much time with that character on a consistent basis.
I am curious what's gonna happen with James next season. I honestly thought him dying would be the big sad

Damn good season finale.
I can't wait to see next season! Especially sans Flashbacks.

"Oh, Digger Harkness. You brought nothing to the table."
I literally had to look him up and I still don't really remember him. Definitely not necessary to have him around.

ohhh okay, wasn't aware. thanks

I saw a few people commenting below about the narrator. Specifically several theories about Mateo possibly being the narrator. I started thinking though.
What if the narrator is actually Michael. I know that doesn't end the show on an actual character writing a story type of thing many had speculated, but it could

I know this show uses a lot of telenovela tropes. Is it a thing in telenovelas to have the narrator actually end up being incorporated? just curious. I never thought of the narrator outside of being just that

I actually really enjoyed the finale. It wasn't perfect, but it was entertaining as hell and certainly different. It also seemed to put a lot of our characters in interesting positions for next season!

yeah, i definitely sensed it being reminiscent of that Buffy finale as well. I briefly thought they might actually do a switch with Wally taking over, but then I remembered that everyone loves Barry Allen/ Grant Gustin, myself included. There's no way they'd pull that in Season 3.