
"Fuck" is what you say when you die.

I'm gonna need proof.

Fuck off. It's fine to enjoy turning your brain off sometimes, especially at night, when a lot of people just got home. Should they live like this always? No. But it's fine sometimes.

He just isn't the type who loves that humor. Who cares? Sounds like he just isn't your type. But he isn't actively trying to be careful about his humor.

Also check out his appearances on The Todd Glass Show. You have to like Todd to like it though.

Kumail is pretty busy though. Jonah has a weird podcast, and than a podcast he shows up to sometimes. Then this show.

Agreed. I listened to the entire catalog in a few months while gaming. They have better chemistry than any podcast hosts I've seen. Hoping they return soon.

We're destined to fight forever… blood on the streets!

I thought he was a Master of None?

He sounds like a screenwriting major. "It's just fucking genius, like, have we moved on?"

That's even worse. She had to get half-naked and it wasn't even for a good movie.

It wouldn't be so bad if he still did something good. But it's all bad movies.

Aubrey Plaza is going to sleep with Robert De Niro is this? What the fuck

It definitely copied the creepy bikini part.

Do we still need an american protagonist to "identify" with? We should be past this.

Quoting Harris is my weakness. But he was FUNNY, this episode was just weird and bad.

Exactly! Except I was sold when I found out it was a good movie.

Sucks that she is typecast as crazy attractive lady now. She just looks regular for Hollywood honestly.

Good to see Jason "Heynong Man" Mantzoukas.

Agreed, it almost makes the villain excessively bad. It's like you have to love to hate the villain, not just want them to die.