
It is a major part of sexism and toxicity in the gaming community.

Jon got overexcited at guests as well! He was losing his shit any time Amy Schumer spoke.

Morgan is genuinely interesting and funny though. Olivia is apparently a real shitbag. They actually talk about it when Jessica was on The Indoor Kids.

They are pretty great I think, just know you're getting into somewhat cheesy sci-fi shooter territory. Pick up Halo: Reach if you can, one of my favorite games. I still play it's multiplayer.

Just like any MMO. if you're fine with this play it, if not don't.

How many white guys and female sex objects can he fit in this one? How many transformers is he gonna try to get in there?

There is always an audience for that type of comedy. I mean all the writers are doing their own stuff now.

I'd rather have realistic lesbian sex then totally hot babes making out.

Edward James Almost, but not quite.

SHIELD got a bit better after F.Z.Z.T which is even before 10 episodes.

Daredevil is incredible, but it's really unfair to even compare them. They are doing completely different things.

He came into the show at the end of season one (When it got pretty good), and left towards the end of Season Two (Really great). So it wasn't that.

I just learned "toque" is a word and I wear one most days.

That does feel like something a high-schooler would write… but maybe it fits with the tone of the movie.

And the guy is a creep. He got in trouble for public nudity, touching girls, stuff like that.

Holy shit.

Please give me a few jokes that are obviously Harris Wittels'.

They didn't say it was a big deal. They just posted it for people who need the help.

It feels great, because we've seen Amell's journey. He does compare and contrast nicely to Gustin, it makes me all the more excited for the crossover.

Please do listen to her. Would be a huge bummer to have her half nude in the movie.