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Please let it be Space Mutiny

"George and the Mysterious Moans"

Huh, my hands are smaller than Donald's. I always figured they were small.

Counter-point to Sonic 2: Casino Night Zone. GET OFF MY PLATFORM TAILS!!!!!

I had to rewatch the Euphrates line a few times because of how funny her delivery was. I wonder if it's something that she improvised or was directed to do.

Hawthorn Mall. I used to get NES games from the Babbage's there.

Superego and Nerd Poker were mainstays on my podcast app. Sad to see them both go.

Good, she's terrible on You, Me & The Apocalypse

I saw Promises, Promises in New York and was very disappointed. Besides changing the year, they also added a couple of additional numbers for Kristen Chenoweth, which stood out like a sore thumb. They also couldn't figure out what tone to go for. The show jumped from funny to sad like a bad episode of Mash.

How would he tweet with boxing gloves on his hands?