
Damn, that is some Comey/Trump level dysfunction going on between the Jennings and Claudia…

At least Nixon never gave the impression that he wanted to bone Tricia..,

We Californians are really starting to look on enviously at Scotland…at least they have a chance of getting out from all of that rubbish…

First Presidential library with zero books…just scrolling tweets.,,

Kinda wish Nixon had twitter back in the day…tho' he probably would have foisted it off to Agnew…

Hey now, Dog The Bounty Hunter is looking forward to his new gig!

Trot Nixon's a World Champ!

Bring back Battle of The Network Stars…but only using the surviving seventies stars from the original! Can Robert Conrad knock the battery off of his own shoulder? Can Gabe Kaplan lift that cigar? Is septuagenarian Adrienne Barbeau still stunningly hot?

Jackie Coogan's neck ailment had more veracity than Chuck's EHS!

Captain Chuck certainly cut the towline there…

The final shot pull-out to the buzz of the exit sign…

Can you direct me to Micheal McKean's house..gotta truckload of Emmy's, Golden Globes, SAG Awards, etc to deliver!

Who was the idiot FCC goofus that spilled a giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cup mug of coffee all over our primary server? Anybody that stupid should never have any jurisdiction over the Interweb tubes!

Tina's story…better than Alien: Covenant?


Tick-tick…there are kidney stones that pass more easily than getting that memoir out of Selina!
Can't wait to see who they bring in as a ghost writer…sticking with Veep's prior use of great Brit TV comedians..bring on Rowan Atkinson!

Know-Nothing….or perhaps Naughty Whig

I mean Patty Smythe is just sitting there…SHOOTING AT THE WALLS OF HEARTACHE..BANG..BANG..I AM THE WARRIOR!

Better hairdo…Sherman Tanz or Ernie McCracken?

"Why don't we just puppy-pile, okay? We could all get a bite to eat afterwards…see a movie or something…make it nice"