Me too. They maybe did know how to use him least, but it's almost like they've written him out of history.
Me too. They maybe did know how to use him least, but it's almost like they've written him out of history.
Give the people what they want and all. (Actually, particularly considering the way things are, I can be pretty tolerant of people who avoid thoughtful a bit for fun.)
I felt they indicated earlier that Eric the Cube was making Gerry into some kind of sleeper agent. Although what it all means I'm not sure yet. (This might be spoilerish, but the episode was days ago now.)
"After telling Sam the Boyd men aren’t the brightest, Woody thinks
$100/month was a little steep. How about $30/week? Sam immediately says
yes, thinking he did an art of the deal."
I think so far they just want to destroy Guam and maybe Pyongyang. Possibly Seoul too, NK threatens Seoul in times past anyway.
Eh that could actually intensify it at least in the short term. Some feel all the talk about the white population dwindling encouraged some whites to be more openly racist. Anglo-Saxons didn't necessarily take their dwindling that well.
Better than Canada? (Okay First Nations Canadians live pretty terrible at times, but the Sioux aren't in a wonderland.)
"Omaha is on their list of Top 5 targets because Offutt Air Force Base
has been a key nerve center of nuclear war since Strategic Air Command
was formed."
I'm not sure I have any strong…well to be honest any strong feelings about you one way or the other. That sounds pretty insulting, but there's enough people here that some just are going to make less an impression on me and I'm not sure if we interacted much.
Wow, WoT again makes something I'm actually going to watch the Top Pick.
I don't think any country has an upper-age limit except, in a sense, the Vatican where Cardinals can not vote after 80.
Yup. I've heard it's because it was a Halloween episode. When I first saw it, which I think was when it first aired or nearly so, I was a bit perplexed as it felt the most off-model of any episode. It was a little alienating at first.
I've heard some good things about guitarists kind of only known for session work too. Like Grady Martin and Carol Kaye, though I guess she's bass guitar. (And apparently also of "The Wrecking Crew.")
Or Pigmaelion. That was weird. That plus the Jane-cult, how could a cult that bans going to the bathroom even work?, were two of the wackiest/weirdest ones in a show that is normally a bit subdued.
I don't know. I think in the early seasons you weren't necessarily supposed to hate her. I'm not sure when she went from "flawed in her own way" to "kind of terrible" but for convenience I sometimes think of it as after the parachute incident. It's possibly earlier than that though. The effort to get pregnant maybe?
I don't think the show really talked about Presidents that often. There was the Bush episode and some occasional references, but that was about it.
People sometimes compare the two, but I think they're different enough it's a pretty loose comparison. You have the wife being wackier than the husband, somewhat unusual in animated sitcoms, and the artistic son but that's maybe about it.
He's the kind of calming Republican some of us need. I mean his dog is named for Ladybird Johnson so is a little bipartisan. And he entered the country with a group of undocumented Mexicans once. Give us something man! (He tended to support anyone Texan so I could see him having been for Cruz, just due to that not…
Pretty Pretty Dresses is a great one because it kind of goes dramatic, but still works. Two men in dresses arguing might sound like it would just be for laughs, well for an animates series in the 1990s early 2000s, but it really was a fairly tense and emotional scene. Bill's life is kind of tough.