Thomas R

I think classical liberals might accept a bit more intervention in the economy and encourage "civic virtues" a bit more, but I'm not sure.

I'm open to the argument this maybe was a waste of his time unless he wanted to send it to the Weekly Standard or National Review as "a libertarian reflects on the culture of Google" or something.

I think that's what bothers me. Some of what he says is simplistic and exaggerated, all of its contestable, but I definitely feel it's scrutinized more due to the side he is on.

I thought this one was relatively fair. There are valid reasons to disagree and expecting it to be dumb is kind of what this article leads one toward.

Sometimes it's hard to do that in class.

"Does the little girl in the back have any questions?.."

Oh it's not been too bad. Granted part of that is I censor myself a bit more here as I came here for entertainment stories, not politics.

Oh he can be a tad persnickety at times, I just didn't think he merited this much this time.

Never seen "F is for Family" so I don't know if the character is to be likeable or not.

I'm tempted to upvote about everything you're writing on this page. Partly because the hostility you are receiving is way over the top. Many here really get to an ideological lockstep place that's borderline frightening.

I didn't read all the footnotes. Much of the upset does seem to be things said in the footnotes, which maybe are a tad more risible. They also might be better if instead of being asides they explained his sources. Instead he quotes things and doesn't say where they are from. That is sloppy or maybe even plagiarism.

I've read much of it now. It really does seem to be a lot more moderate than what many here are saying.

Not yet. (I kid)

Brine, in the sense of heavily salty water, can have a freezing point below that it seems. And it doesn't appear to be lethal to swim in brine, but research it yourself before trying. (I think it could sting your eyes.)

In celebrity politicians, they may not be just for Republicans.

"It’s a nice scene, but in the long run, there’s so much to cringe about.
Not only is Maurice gambling with his health, but Joel’s gonna find out

“O'Connell, you know, I always knew that you were stubborn and malicious
and petty. I just didn't realize until this minute how profoundly
stupid you are. I think that's the whole enchilada. That's what it's all
about. The whole cornerstone of your personality, the rock on which
your house is built. … This is not the

"I have no clue what this episode is trying to say."

Nothing. ZaiJian!