Thomas R

Ahh I see. Either way pretty goofy.


I think he may have meant Sneakers.

I think I figured the "or mandatory sterilization" part indicated a realization that there was a possibility not initially considered where sex would survive. (Also homosexuality could be an option if they have no objections. Possibly up to 15% of people are open to trying that.)

I think Marigold could still be alive without expanding lifespan. The Wikipedia lists her birth year as 1922 or 1923. Sybbie could also be alive as she would also be less than a hundred. Mary's son George would be under a 100 as well.

You're right. Violet Brown of Jamaica is now the oldest person. She's apparently the oldest Jamaican ever.

Today is the 80th birthday of Tom Stoppard. It is also the birthday of Franz Kafka. He was Franz Kafka!

I think calling people Nazis is a bit much and the Left gravitates to calling people Fascist or Nazis too quick.

There are actual Nazis online, I've seen them. Unless you have information he is one this is unfair.

I'm not sure there's necessarily a connection between having fun and doing a job well. He's President, not MC for a party.

The guy who wrote "A River Runs Through It" didn't write it until he was 74. It was kind of a dull movie, but still…

They were illnesses that took more people in middle age then now, but yeah the maximum lifespan than wasn't "in the 30s." The philosopher Democritus, of atom fame, reportedly lived to be over a 100 and I guess it's seen as possible this is true. There are pharaohs who ruled well over 30 years.

She apparently had cognitive function of a 90-year-old at 118 and visited friends into her 110s. She was briefly in the movie "Vincent and Me" at 114.

Mugabe looks to be over 90. Think about that. (And before anyone says how the whites there weren't pursuing land reform right, etc Mugabe also has had a bunch of Ndebele killed or abused in what I guess is called "Gukurahundi" which means "the early rain which washes away the chaff before the spring rains." Why are

Hah, no. Company came in and I had to stop writing.

I know some 80-year-olds who seem to enjoy life fine. They're a little dotty and forgetful, but they have friends, family, and a community.

There is a sadness to it, but old people can develop friendships with the newer generations. Many young people like old people. Look how popular Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders were with two fairly different (but oddly there is some overlap), groups of young people. Or Betty White. Heck I think some here find Olivia De

Even with "perfect use" condoms look to have a 2% failure rate. Contraceptive implants or vasectomies are much more effective.

Oh baloney. I think you know perfectly well I was talking about shootings, Leftist guerrilla groups, and the like. Not drum circles or even breaking windows.