
Yeah that was clever.

Oh I'd be down for all four of them just getting together and building it.

Barry totally learned his lesson. The past is the past. You have to keep moving forward.

Probably a combination of Felicity, Harry, Cisco and Curtis.

Eh she was a mook there. I didn't think it was particularly good. I mean she at least got to be badass. Well kind of, she was taken out by Wally's car.

Ah you caught me. I was hoping I could fiendishly steal from you. Alas it was for not.

Oh shit. That actually sounds amazing.

She's a regular next year on Arrow, so unfortunately no squad leading.


Good for him.

I wish he had amnesia.

Because conflict. I wish it were just to spite Barry. At least that I could get.

To be fair if that happens, that's a completely different person.

I miss those scenes. That's what I loved about his and Wally's rescue last episode.

So do I.

I can't really hold the crime against him (because Oliver and everyone on Arrow, and most of the Legends have done the same stuff), but what bothers me about him, is how the show treats him as this benevolent super well-intentioned guy whose almost a symbol of hope and integrity when he just now comes off as a

That and they horribly paced the Savitar reveal and motive. Should've happened much, much sooner for an arc like this.

I liked him because he was happy, charismatic and didn't have all this shit that just dragged him and the show down to this self-defeating almost nihilistic funk.

Unfortunately I believe it's the same people. But yeah.

Wait that and I miss season one Barry.